Who writes short shorts?
   Phil Gardner 2003-7
My Daughter and I  -  3rd January 2005
Hot on the heels (well, a year on the heels) of 'My Wife and I', comes 'My Daughter and I', a story I started in America in February 2004, failed to finish (it's not easy writing a hundred words in one sitting), forgot about, and promptly rediscovered in a drawer eleven months later.

My Wife and I  -  16th January 2004
I went to Colchester Zoo yesterday, hoping to mooch around the pygmy hippos and meet a nice girl. Instead, all I got my hands on was a reindeer with a broken antler. Even the fat-tailed sheep shunned me. I think it may have made me cynical about love.

Summer Loving  -  6th January 2004
My pal Lisa commented that my micro fiction often gives her a sense of doom, even though ultimately things turn around at the conclusion. I therefore felt it was my duty to write a piece which, for a change, lacked any sense of foreboding. So this one's for you Lisa.

No Moon  -  5th January 2004
I went for a walk late at night through the mean streets of Shotley Gate. I'd written this in my head by the time I got home.

The Puzzle -   5th September 2003
I originally wrote this as a 25 word story for the Espresso Stories website, before deciding it would benefit from the expansion to 100 words. So here's the 'long' version.

Friday the 13th  -  20th June 2003
It was Friday the 13th last week, which was when I wrote this in my head. For various reasons it took me another 7 days to get these 100 words down on paper. But some things are worth waiting for. And some things clearly aren't.

A Kind of Magic  -  10th June 2003
I wrote this to go inside a Father's Day card. If you don't know my Dad, it may not mean much. If you do, you'll probably want to sue me for calling this fiction.

Bringing Home the Bacon  -  2nd June 2003
I was asked to write a story about pigs. Ten minutes later I had this. I'm not sure it was what the person had in mind.

Brian, the Itch & the Wardrobe  -  31st May 2003 
I'd been awaiting delivery of a new wardrobe all week. I think it affected my mind.  

Blondes Have More Fun -  27th May 2003
A touching love story. I might send it to Mills & Boon.

Where There's Smoke  -  22nd May 2003
A literal interpretation of an old metaphor. Or maybe two old metaphors. 

The Bank Job  -  22nd May 2003
You've heard of stand up comedy, well this is stand up writing. I didn't even bother to sit down for this one. I think I was impatient to go and do the washing up.

An Axe to Grind  -  21st May 2003
Composed mentally at 2am in a state of semi-sleep, and written the following morning in a matter of minutes, this was my first foray into the world of micro fiction.

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These are short stories. Very short stories. First there was 'flash fiction' - the idea of writing a complete story in just a few hundred words. 'Micro fiction' takes the concept one stage further. The challenge here is to write a piece containing all the elements of a traditional short story - a setting, one or more characters, conflict, resolution - all in 100 words or less.
And to think some people write novels. The fools.
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In addition to these micro fiction stories, I also have a few 25 word pieces published on the Espresso Stories website. So if you thought 100 words was a ridiculous limit, click HERE to take the conceit one stage further. At least you know it won't take long.
In September 2003, 'Brian, the Itch & the Wardrobe' won first prize in the Writer Online Minuscule Fiction competition. I'd like to dedicate this award to Littlewoods, who kept me waiting two months for a wardrobe they promised would be delivered in three weeks. Thanks guys, I couldn't have done it without you.
Faster than a speeding pencil...
All Work & No Play  - 11th March 2007

Another Planet  -  10th March 2007

Two years on from my last foray into the world of micro fiction (I've been busy, ok?), I was prompted to pick up my pen again by a short story competition on BBC Radio 4's Front Row programme. Rules stated that each story must be exactly one hundred words (no more and, somewhat significantly, no less), and should contain the following six words, chosen at random by, of all people, film director David Lynch:

Bacon, Bodies, Experiments, Fire, Paper & Organic

Which left only 94 to write myself. Meaning I had time to enter twice. I didn't win, probably due to the BBC's fear of my revolutionary ideas on Shakespeare, and the fact that I couldn't spell papier mâché.