The Distracted Doctor - June 2005
This was written from an idea by a friend of mine (who shall remain nameless, mainly so that I can take all the credit). It was originally intended to be part of an entry for the Channel 4 New Comedy Writers award, but sketches for that competition were limited to three minutes, and having unleashed myself on the task with gay abandon, this one came out at almost six. I might add a couple of lines and call it a play...

Beatle Drive - January 2003
A 4 minute sketch, 2 men, 1 woman, no aardvarks.

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   Phil Gardner 2003-5.
Rough sketches.
I don't really write sketches (as you'll quickly discover when you look at the selection below), but it's always good to have a page on your website dedicated to something you don't do, so here it is. Enjoy.